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Newyddion diwydiant

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Deall y Gwahanol Mathau o Wead Wal

Amser: 2022-11-28 Trawiadau: 10


Before you begin to wallpaper over your textured walls, it is important to first assess your surface. If it has a light texture, such as a very slight orange peel, your wallpaper will have an easier time sticking and staying. For thicker textures, such as popcorn walls, bumps may still show through the paper or, in some instances, your wallpaper may not stick at all. Here are a few of the most common drywall texture types:


Popcorn Wall Texture-Gaining its popularity in the early 1960s, popcorn or"caws bwthyn"textured walls and ceilings feature bumps with high peaks and low valleys. While this texture is great for concealing imperfections on your wall, it can be difficult to paint or cover up due to its rough appearance.


Orange Peel Wall Texture-Just like its name says, this"sblat"wall type resembles the texture of an orange peel. Yet even though it is rough to the touch, this dimpled surface is much smoother than the popular popcorn wall.


Knockdown Wall Texture-Similar to orange peel, the Knockdown technique goes one step further by flattening any peaks and bumps for a more naturalistic appearance.


Skip Trowel Wall Texture-This distressed and uneven texture is typically applied with a special curved knife and resembles the popular wall surface type mentioned above, knockdown texture.


Swirl Wall Texture-While this technique is commonly seen on ceilings, walls may also have the appearance of swirled patterns of half circles.

All wall surfaces and textures vary so it is important to keep in mind that our croen a glynu papur wal may not adhere to any of the above textured wall types. The best thing that you can do is to test the surface with a sample first.


While there are several reasons why wallpaper may not adhere to your textured walls, one of the biggest issues is that too much air gets behind the self-adhesive backing, preventing your wallpaper from sticking. When testing a textured surface, we recommend placing your sample over the area that has the highest amount of texture.


If your sample test is successful, you can move forward and follow our application steps for applyingPapur wal Hamyeeremovable wallpaper.


Make sure that you thoroughly clean the surface and remove any dirt or debris with a damp cloth. Then, wait until it is completely dry before you begin your project. If there are large bumps noticeably bulging out from the wall, try to use a scraper to remove before applying the wallpaper.